Dax: Index that tracks the price development of the 30 largest and most actively traded German equities
DAX® was launched on 1 July 1988 by FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wertpapierbörsen (Association of German Stock Exchanges) and Börsen-Zeitung (a German stock exchange newspaper).
It comprises the 30 most actively traded stocks (blue chips), and represents approximately 75 percent of the aggregate capital stock of listed German stock corporations. Moreover, DAX shares account for approximately 85 percent of trading volume in German equities.
The base date for the index is 30 December 1987 = 1,000. Historical data have been calculated as far back as 1959. More...TecDax
TecDAX® was launched on 24 March 2003. It comprises the 30 largest companies from technology sectors in the Prime Standard segment of FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse that rank below the DAX® shares in terms of market capitalization and trading volume. The index is calculated as a price and performance index by Deutsche Börse. The calculation of TecDAX follows on from NEMAX® 50.
The composition of the index is reviewed on a semi-annual basis and adjusted in March and September. The criteria for weighting the shares in the index are: trading volume and market capitalization on the basis of the number of shares in free float, as well as position in the respective sector. More...
MDAX® was launched on 19 January 1996. It comprises the 50 largest companies from classic sectors in the Prime Standard segment of FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) that rank below the DAX® shares in terms of market capitalization and trading volume. The base date for the index is 30 December 1987 = 1,000 points.
The composition of the index is reviewed on a semi-annual basis and adjusted in March and September. The criteria for weighting the shares in the index are: trading volume and market capitalization on the basis of the number of shares in free float, as well as position in the respective sector.
Altri indici di riferimento del mercato borsistico tedesco: SDax, Prime All Share, Nemax 50, ...
Fonte: Sito ufficiale del mercato borsistico di Francoforte Deutsche Borse
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